Research, scholarship, and creative works (RSCW) at the University of Northern Colorado are at the core of UNC's Strategic Framework to provide our students a Transformative Education. The mission of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is to support and promote the RSCW of faculty, staff, and students at UNC.
ORSP Announcements
- ORSP Staff Update - October 2024
New Effort Certification Webpage
Effort Certification refers to the documentation/attestation that committed effort on a grant has in fact been expended. Please make sure your effort reports are completed and submitted on time. If you have any questions or need help, email us at orsp.post-award@hnrwigvs.com
- Government Shutdown Information
- NEW! UNC access to the American Association of State Colleges and Universities' (AASCU) Grant Resource Center (GRC) for anyone with a first.last UNC account.
- NSF Important Notice No. 148: Improving Compliance with NSF Project Reporting Requirements
- Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Step-by-Step Instructions
- Looking for funding? Please complete the UNC PI Information Sheet so ORSP can help you find funding opportunities in your areas of interest.
- Grant or Gift? ORSP or UNC Foundation? Learn more here.
- Current Studies Seeking Volunteers
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Core Functions
Recognizing Awards in Research
The following individuals have received outstanding awards and grants for the work in their fields.