Fellow Bears, partners, and friends:
In developing the University of Northern Colorado’s Rowing, Not Drifting 2030 strategic plan, the faculty, staff, and students collectively envisioned UNC as the
institution that Colorado looks to as the future of higher education. This bold vision
simultaneously draws on our fundamental mission to empower people and communities
to realize their fullest potential and positions the university over the next decade
to better serve our community, region, and state.
When we launched our plan at the beginning of 2020, we could not have anticipated
the many changes the subsequent two years would bring. While some of our immediate
priorities necessarily shifted and specific actions and tactics associated with the
first phase of the strategic plan evolved, our university community continued “rowing”
together in the same direction, united by resilience, determination, and our shared
At UNC, we are guided daily in our teaching, learning, and collective work by the
five vision elements that are vital to realizing our vision: Students First, Empower Inclusivity, Enhance & Invest, Innovate & Create, and Connect
& Celebrate. Our community comprises talented, creative, and dedicated individuals who share a
deep commitment to these priorities and continuously demonstrate that anything can
be accomplished when we work together.
I am proud of the many successes we achieved over the past two years. The extraordinary
contributions of our students, faculty, and staff have created a strong foundation
to dive into the next phase of our strategic plan. In this document, you will learn
about our accomplishments from Phase I and how that work evolves and continues into
Phase II.
As we transition into this important second phase, I see a new level of excitement,
optimism, and opportunity with the next set of key actions and tactics. These were
developed with careful consideration of feedback from the university community, strategic
priorities that university leaders identified, and opportunities to build on the good
work from Phase I. The university community came together to engage in thoughtful
discussions and offer valuable insight into Phase II of our strategic plan.
I appreciate everyone who shared their ideas about how we can continue our forward
momentum. I invite each member of our university community to reflect on the key actions
and tactics in this next phase, consider where there is alignment with your own work,
and identify ways you will help realize our vision for UNC. As we diligently work
together toward the 2030 outcomes, we will remain focused on our shared vision and
common purpose as a Students First university. We will do this in how we serve students
and foster their excellence as well as the excellence of our faculty and staff, the
actions we take that reflect our deep commitment to equity and inclusion, our ability
to innovate and inspire, and the strong partnerships we forge in our community and
I am pleased to present Phase II of Rowing, Not Drifting 2030, signaling the university’s priorities for the next two years. I look forward to
continuing this journey with you toward realizing our vision and celebrating our successes
along the way.
Rowing, Not Drifting,

Andy Feinstein
UNC President